
I am Mr. Palup Andy KORIKE and am currently assuming the role as Lecturer at IBS TVET College in the Business studies Department. I have a Masters Degree in HR (MHRM) from UPNG and a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce (DMGT) from UNITECH. I also have a Diploma in Accounting from Lae Technical College. I have over 13 years of teaching and industry experience. I taught at various private schools like ITI, Kimbe TAFE College and currently at IBSC. I previously worked in the mining industry as a Learning and Talent facilitator. During my tenure, I assumed roles such as section head, HOD and senior subject masters and sometimes panelist for selection of key employees in the organization. I am willing and able to be an active member for the growth of this institution with its key stakeholders. My interests are in the Training and empowerment of our young generation, who in turn make meaningful contributions to the society and PNG at large.